journal of orthopedics and orthopedic surgery predatory

The purpose of this paper is to assess the proportion and type of open access evidencebased articles in the form of systematic reviews and metaanalyses in the field of musculoskeletal disorders and orthopedic surgery. Predatory publishers are corrupting open access. The journal is looking to encourage active discussion and communication among readers, authors and editorial board members with an aim to continue publishing interesting and informative Commentary articles. PubMed Central As previously described in the literature, our findings also indicate that participants employed by university hospitals or research institutions were substantially more likely to be aware of the threat posed by predatory journals [9, 10]. Now in its 106th year, the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics is a leading orthodontic resource. Since even a co-authorship in a predatory journal can lead to great harm, the small effort to identify fake journals before submission should be made [15]. Commentaries submitted to this journal should describe most important conclusions of the paper they are commenting on, highlight controversial issues, if relevant mention the strengths and weaknesses of the paper, highlight the presenter's omission of key facts and mention supporting arguments that would create a stronger presentation. interviewed several editorial publishers who are listed as editors of a predatory journal, showing that 77.0% reported a high level of knowledge on the danger associated with predatory journals. Authors must clearly acknowledge any published work upon which they are building. As these journals threaten the credibility of academic publishing . Review articles must include an abstract of 100-200 words and a maximum of 100 references. Whereby the knowledge on predatory journals was captured with a yes-no decision question (Have you ever heard of Predatory Journals?). Every multimedia article published in Journal of Orthopedics and Orthopedic Surgery will have an open discussion forum freely accessible to anyone. The third section dealt with the type of research at the institution and the number of papers already published. 2011. The present results underline the need to improve awareness of predatory journals among young colleagues to avoid unintentional scientific missteps and lasting career damage. However, 40.0% of the contacted editors were not aware of being an editor for this journal in particular [11]. Journal of Orthopedics and Orthopedic Surgery gives priority to cases with clinical significance. The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. Low back pain. The DGOU is a medical-scientific professional society founded in 2008 as a non-profit association. In comparison knowledge in dermatological residents was lower (20.3%) [9] whilst awareness in oncological residents (47.8%) [10] was much more pronounced. 1. 2019 Sep;53(5):390-393. doi: 10.1016/j.aott.2019.05.003. On publication of the article, all authors of the manuscript will receive a web link, which directs to the published article on the Journal website.,,,,,,,,, Awareness of OAJ was masked when journal selection options did not to provide any information on the editorial board, the peer review process or the publication costs. Predatory journals are fake or trash journals and exist for the sole purpose to make profit. Book Review: Book review is a critique of a book in which the book is analyzed based on its content, merit, and style. Springer Nature. The Northern Ohio Foot & Ankle Foundation Journal. 2017;12(2):24753. The journal publishes unbiased, comprehensive, and clinically relevant review articles, original studies, case reports, and practical department features. Corrigendum:Corrigenda are published to correct any significant errors within the text of an earlier published article. 2018 Nov 7;100(21):e138. This growing trend gives rise to multiple interrelated questions, which this volume seeks to address through the perspectives of a group of researchers and practitioners who met in Coimbra, Portugal in 2015 for the PRISEAL and MET In an online survey between August and December 2019 the knowledge on predatory journals and OAJ was tested with a hyperlink made available to the participants via the German Society for Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery (DGOU) email distributor. One hundred thirty hits were found on the DOAJ site using the keywords "orthopaedics, orthopedics, sports medicine, musculoskeletal, trauma, traumatology, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, cartilage, bone, hand, shoulder, knee, hip, foot, wound." Dear Editor, Following retirement from my Academic post of Professor of Orthopaedic & Accident Surgery and from my clinical post as a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon I decided, like many others, to continue supporting and contributing to academic journals - reading and submitting papers, reviewing articles and maintaining my interests. The concept was revised by all authors. Our response rate deviates slightly from this to an excess representation of clinic directors and senior consultants. emphasized that the term predatory journals is often misunderstood and the danger is thus further underestimated. That's nearly 3 times as many bogus publications as the 82 legitimate orthopaedic journals that the authors also identified. About AAO. The stories are by turns funny, heartbreaking, flabbergasting, infuriating, inspiring-and at times all of these at once. Each voice here is singular and fascinating. But the collective effect is overwhelmingly moving. -- Publisher. Thus, our survey was made available to almost 50% of the orthopaedic and trauma surgeons in Germany. This book comprises the professional opinion of its authors. It does not claim to represent guidelines, recommendations, or the current standard of medical care. 2O AND P). It should explain the suitability of the manuscript to this particular journal based on topic, theme, and methodological or theoretical approach. / Doc. NOFA Journal. The paper was written by MR and EM. 2019 Jan;128(1):182-187. doi: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000003803. (2years) Ref. West J Emerg Med. i, l, m, s, r Expectations, q access to literature and o and p knowledge on publication fees. Orthopedic Surgery. NCI CPTC Antibody Characterization Program, Int Orthop. Richtig et al. Unpublished data is not permitted to be included in a letter to the editor. Nevertheless, knowledge about Open Access journals seems to be very limited. The median APC was $420 for predatory journals and $2,900 for legitimate journals. in a separate document. International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences (IJOS) . Furthermore, publishing articles without peer-review process as quality control provides questionable science with false merit [5, 7]. With the advancement of new technologies and the increasing expectation and demand from doctors and . 2019 May;43(5):1037-1039. doi: 10.1007/s00264-019-04333-x. OrthoBuzz for Surgeons. On the other hand, a larger proportion of those questioned did not define the procedure (not specified). Generally these papers are expected to include Title, Abstract, Keywords, Background/Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, List of abbreviations used (if any), Competing interests (if any), Authors' contributions, Authors' information, Acknowledgements, Funding, Endnotes (if any), References, Illustrations and figures (if any), Tables and captions (if any), and Additional supplementary files (if any). The professional expertise was determined according to the categories: student, resident, junior consultant, senior consultant, clinic director, private practitioner, retired / various. 3601 Tvc. Cite this article. 2021 Apr;56(2):154-160. doi: 10.1055/s-0041-1728702. The survey was anonymized, and it was ensured that tracing of participants via IP address was not possible. 2017;73(11):2499501. Predatory Publishing in Orthopaedic Research. PubMed Central Google Scholar. The critique is about the way of selecting the predatory journals. Online Journal of Orthopedic & Orthoplastic Surgery is the acclaimed interdisciplinary journal devoted to spread the scientific Information in the form of articles to all the readers. Integrative Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (IJOT) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal contributing towards improvement of quality of orthopaedic health care. Description. Furthermore, there was a close association between the level of scientific expertise and the knowledge of predatory journals. 2019;99(1):5862. Is it compatible with commonly used browsers and mobile devices? 2019;21(8):e13769. Predatory Open-Access Publishing in Anesthesiology. However, this could be based on a bias, as this survey only included individual students (n=8) who had made early contributions in the field of orthopaedics and trauma surgery, for example through scientific lectures on a congress. YourSurgery.Com. 2018 Apr;74(4):809-817. doi: 10.1111/jan.13483. This is reflected by the fact that 71% of the professors and 61.4% of the colleagues who achieved the habilitation, which is a qualification required in order to conduct self-contained university teaching, were familiar with the issue. 10 In addition, 105 new journals were added to the study by an update on 30 January 2019 at Beall's site. The second part covered the latest employer and the field of professional activity. In response to the question whether one should critically review the journal before submitting it, most participants answered strongly agree. In recent years, there has been the advent of predatory journals in orthopaedic surgery, though many clinicians may not be familiar with what predatory journals are. Three hundred fifty orthopaedic and trauma surgeons participated, of which 291 complete responses (231 males (79.4%), 54 females (18.6%) and 5N/A (2.0%)) were obtained. The significance level was set at an alpha of 5%. Note: Article processing charges are also applicable for invited authors. The mission of the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy is to publish scientifically rigorous, clinically relevant content for physical therapists and others in the healthcare community to advance musculoskeletal and sports-related practice. This volume addresses the origin of the human genus Homo, a major transition in human evolution and associated with major changes in brain size, locomotion, and culture, but one with many unanswered questions. Electronic Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery. Produced in cooperation with the National Association of School Nurses, this text includes comprehensive coverage of the multiple facets of school nursingfrom the foundations of practice and the roles and functions of a school nurse To assure the highest editorial quality possible, each article appearing in the journal will . 2021 BioMed Central Ltd unless otherwise stated. Along with emerging open access journals (OAJ) predatory journals increasingly appear. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. This book will serve as a vital resource for both sponsors and producers of systematic reviews of comparative effectiveness research. International experts present in this volume advances in reconstructive neurosurgery focusing on the fields of neurotrauma and neurodegenerative disorders. Google Scholar. Fifty-eight incomplete datasets had to be excluded. Bibliotics Journals 1 (0.4) No Journal of Orthopaedics Spine and Sports Medicine Boffin Access 1 (0.4) Yes International . Int Orthop. The aim of this book is to dissect forensic anthropology and forensic pathology in its various and valuable contributions to contemporary society. Bethesda, MD 20894, Help Ethical approval and informed consent has been waived off by the responsible Institutional Review Board (IRB) of the University Medical Center Regensburg. Clin Orthop Relat Res. In order to highlight the association between the scientific publications and the professional position as well as the received e-mail requests, the findings were color-coded in Excel according to the percentage coherence. Video:.asf, and .wma, avi, .gif, .mov. After acceptance of the article and before its publication, corresponding author must sign License to Publish Form. Are contact details only to be given out on justified request? False gold: Safely navigating open access publishing to avoid predatory publishers and journals. J Med Internet Res. A detailed description of the demographic characteristics, employment / workplace and field of professional activity is given in Table1.

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