which statement about negative emotions is true?

The correct answer is: role models Adolescence dominated by the need to _____ and the need to belong. Which of the following is true regarding emotions? 76) Julia is highly aware of her own and other's emotions. According to the affective events theory, which of the following is most likely to occur? Girls typically have a harder time than boys regulating their negative emotions. An appreciation of the beauty and meaning in . Question Bank Solutions 11390. Question Bank Solutions 11390. 12)Siginificant figures include all the . Which of the following is a correct argument in favor of emotional intelligence (EI)? Felt emotions are an individual's actual emotions. The key point here is that felt and displayed emotions are often different. Some researchers doubt the existence of emotional intelligence (EI). Which of the following is most likely to result from Henry's negative attitude due to the reprimand? After her boss leaves the room, Julia grabs three magazines and violently slams them into the trash can. A. Why is it particularly important for Francine to keep her team happy? Affect is a generic term that covers a broad range of feelings that people experience. It includes 10 negative emotions you've suffered in your life. 95) Evidence suggests people who feel negative emotions, particularly ________ or hostility, are more likely than others to engage in deviant behavior at work. The neutron has no charge and is found outside of the . Tragedy makes people laugh and teaches them a lesson. B. People who are ________ are less likely to be able to ________ their emotions. d. Negative emotions are always destructive in the workplace. Please select the best answer from the choices provided. It doesn't mean avoiding themavoidance coping is actually a form of coping that attempts to do this, and it can often backfire. The Broaden-and-Build Theory of Positive Emotions. A) Displaying a negative emotion at a negotiation can never be effective. Indicate whether the statement is true or false. Paying attention to our negative emotions can lead us to think more clearly about the positive and the . Research has indicated that people in a ________ mood are better able to ________. Keeping in mind that in China, negative emotions are viewed positively and pride is viewed negatively, how might Jack need to change his leadership and motivation methods with these three employees? C) By the end of the first year, Chinese and Japanese infants smile and cry less . All of the following statements about the amygdala are true except for the following. Based on this information, what would you expect from Amber? People in good moods tend to make quicker decisions. D. Emotional stress can make an individual physically ill. Start studying Managing Emotions. From the above statement, the strong negative emotion is shown in the negotiation process to improve the performance. Art and Emotion. b. On which day of the week does negative affect tend to be the highest? 11) ________ is a pure marker of low positive affect. At work, stressful daily events (a nasty e-mail, an impending deadline, the loss of a big sale, being reprimanded by your boss, and so on) negatively affect employees' moods. B) Girls get more training than boys in suppressing negative emotions. Found inside Page 176So, is anger a negative emotion? Well that depends. Who is angry at whom and why? One upshot of this attack on simple-minded polarity is that even the example with which we began now comes into question. They have all been reprimanded by their boss. Liza is 45 years old. According to the theory of emotional regulation, Judy needs to do which of the following to control her spiraling emotions? ) Emotions can be triggered by events. 13) A ________ means that when nothing is going on, people are generally in a mildly good mood. What term is used for those emotions that an organization requires workers to show and considers appropriate in a given job? Which of the following is an argument they use against it? Understanding Psychology, Student Edition. C) Displaying negative emotions, such as anger, is ineffective. We often think that people differ, depending on whether they are "morning" or "evening" people. 1. Her supervisor is constantly making her work long hours and is usually very critical of her behavior. Weegy: The statement B, experiencing negative emotions is always unhealthy, is false. 22) Moods are more action oriented in nature than emotions. Which statement is NOT true about emotional stress ? Which of the following statements is true regarding moods? Which of the following is an example of deep acting? ) She's moody and unable to generate much enthusiasm or interest in her employees. Which of the following statements regarding research on emotional contagion is true? 3. 33) Research indicates that as we grow older we experience more negative emotions. 78) Whether a candidate has high emotional intelligence would not be a significant factor when considering candidates for the job of a(n) ________. 23) Explain the differences between the following terms: affect, emotions, and moods. 54) At what time of day are people in the best mood? The use of negative emotions in communication is mostly built around. C. Managing emotions can help make better judgments. MCQ Online Tests 70. 42) What effect do stressful events typically have on mood? Explain how a worker's emotional state can affect customer service and customers. 87) Elvira wants to hire three new customer service representatives. 47) Andy, Ben, Liza, Ted, and Jim are online customer service representatives. Which of the following statements is true of negative emotions? 57) ________ are the emotions that an individual is actually experiencing, despite what they might display. d. All of the above are true. Which of the following statements is true regarding the degree to which people experience emotions across cultures. 63) Surface acting deals with ________ emotions. Comment: Excellent marking service, definitely recommend this service, the marker also tells you what your work is graded at giving you an idea of where you are at, so you have Time to improve and gain a better mark if needed, explains throughly of where you can improve, from start to finish a lot of feedback from structure, clarity, spelling grammar etc! Which statement is true of using appeals to emotions in persuasive speeches? Experiencing negative emotions is always unhealthy. 6) Erin works at a software company, in charge of the help desk. He has to smile and act positive regardless of his felt emotions in order to be successful. Which of the following statements is true regarding emotions? The word "emotion" dates back to 1579 when it was adapted from the French word mouvoir which means "to stir up".However the earliest precursors of the word likely dated back to the very origins of language. Zach also applies his moods to stay motivated, to walk out the door into the field every day. MCQ Online Tests 70. Why is this thought to be the case? Maharashtra State Board HSC Arts 12th Board Exam. b. tragedy exposes negative emotions and fears. 68) Zach is a pharmaceutical sales representative and must put on a smile every day at work with his clients. A) Infants' negative emotions are easily interpreted. She is good at reading emotional cues and knows how to express her emotions without violating organizational norms. Found insideHe put no feeling into his words because he either lacked emotional capacity or was ignorant as to its use. it is for one to understand and to use deliberately the power of emotion in speech and in writing, for it is a truth indeed Andy is 24 years old. Positive emotions can be contagious, but negative emotions are not. Explain the significance of emotional intelligence demanded of Zach in order to be successful, and how he applies his emotions and moods in his job. Experiencing negative emotions is always unhealthy. He spreads his good mood through emotional contagion and is able to get his customers to make larger orders and remain loyal to him in the competitive pharmaceutical industry. A) It occurs when a product makes a consumer feel worse than what it was forecasted to be. B) Emotionally intelligent people who are faced with negative emotions do not seek help or burden others with their problems. Stress management teaches us to avoid all kinds of stress. B. 67) What is the difference between felt emotions and displayed emotions? Found inside Page 54True believers in the Tea Party 100% 60% 9% 0% 91% 80% 82% 40% 9% 0% 0% Negative emotions No true/mixed emotions Positive emotions True skeptics of the Tea Party 82% 0% ) 64% 36% Obama Homosexuals Illegal immigrants % ( y c n e u q e r In the context of mispredictions about emotions, which of the following statements is true of negative performance disconfirmation? Which statement is NOT true about emotions? Found inside Page 246Although emotions may make it more difficult to find the truth in politics, encouraging recent developments suggest there negative emotional reactions, or using algorithms to put misinformation in context, presenting more accurate Hi. ________ is a pure marker of low negative affect. 64) Which of the following statements is true regarding surface acting? In this theory, we first propose that there are gender-related display rules in most cultures for emotion (Brody & Hall, 2008).In the US and in many Western cultures, girls are expected to display greater levels of most emotions, particularly positive emotions such as happiness, and internalizing negative emotions, including sadness, fear, anxiety, shame . Found insideBut to start a powerful, yet simple way to tell if your actions align with your true identity is to pay attention to your body. There's a good probability that you have some repressed negative emotions around the situation if you Complex emotions are defined as "any emotion that is an aggregate of two or more others." The APA uses the example of hate being a fusion of fear, anger and disgust. Question Papers 167. Experiencing negative emotions is always unhealthy. Failing to live up to your ideal self is termed as guilt, a negative emotion. In order to regulate his emotions, he can do all of the following except ________. c. O A OB OD 59) Ismael spent the morning in the field making sales calls. D. Emotions can be triggered by thoughts. Ben has a high level of ________. A researcher finds that people who work in a fish processing plant, doing work that most people find extremely unpleasant, still have a positive mood about 60 percent of the time. This questionnaire asks about your beliefs about emotions in general. negative self-statement associated with the event C. The Negative Cognition is often stated as an emotion such as, "I am afraid" D. The Negative Cognition is generalizable B. After being yelled at by a customer about the state of her company's software, she becomes angry, and has to take a short break to calm down. In the two-string problem, tying the pliers to one of the strings best represents a(n) --- state, lack of object permanence (out of sight, out of mind). This constant negativity is taking a toll on Judy and she is starting to experience hatred toward her job. Found inside Page 10However, we go one step further and predict that offenders who anticipate positive (or negative) emotions following This is especially true for problem-solving court participants whose emotional instability likely contributed to the Emotional stress will disappear if you ignore it. Surface acting deals with ________ emotions. 69) Which of the following statements is true regarding negotiation? a. C. to German speakers, angst is equivalent to . C) Individuals who do poorly in a negotiation are more willing to be cooperative in future negotiations. Emotional stress can be caused by positive events. A. Henry is upset because his boss recently reprimanded him for missing a deadline. B: Infants display only generalized distress. C. The tendency to attach more weight to negative events than to positive events. Women, in contrast, are socialized to be nurturing. Classify each of these statements as always true, sometimes true, or never true 11)sometimes true 12)Never True 11)Scientific notation is used to express large numbers in convenlent form. C. Managing emotions can help make better judgments. Found inside Page 11Reflections: What lingering negative emotions are holding me back? What exactly do I need to move forward in my life right now? What negative emotions are holding me back? At this point in your healing process you must acknowledge 28) People tend to be in their best moods on Monday. Which of the following will have the least effect on her feelings on the day of the interview? ) Which of the following statements about domestic violence in the United States is not true? Found inside Page 223that sets off the activation of a NIR Mass, which are experienced mainly as emotional charge. Truth: The degree of correspondence between a reality and a statement about that reality. TRUTH exists only when there is a demonstrated, Found inside Page 86Briefly , when their self - reports are compared with observers ' ratings of actual overt behavior in a group Repressors are individuals who have developed the skill of avoiding the experience of certain negative emotions . He has an hour and a half for lunch before he has to make a large sales presentation to a current client, which Ismael hopes will expand his account. b) Management in Europe is not concerned about differences in emotions. Negative affect is a mood dimension consisting of ________ at the low end. Which of the following methods would likely be of the least use to improve her employees' moods? a. a. Invoking negative emotions during communication negatively impacts a . The boss put Henry on a probation period, causing him to lose his two days a week telecommuting privilege. 8) When Ariana is told that her dog has been killed by a car, her eyes widen in disbelief and tears begin to stream down her face. This basic pattern seems to hold whether people describe themselves as morning people or evening people. 60) What term is used for those emotions that an organization requires workers to show and considers appropriate in a given job? QUESTION 23 Which statement about sex differences in emotion regulation is true? He has an hour and a half for lunch before he has to make a large sales presentation to a current client, which Ismael hopes will expand his account. A. Experiencing negative emotions is always unhealthy. Negative affect, however, shows little fluctuation throughout the day. (False; Moderate; p. 264) 78. -The amygdala is a small cluster of neurons in the brain. 21) Moods are intense feelings that are directed at someone or something. The boss put Henry on a probation period, causing him to lose his two days a week telecommuting privilege. C)Norepinephrine functions in regulating arousal and anxiety. C. Emotional stress can be caused by negative events. Research on the association between negative emotions and positive emotions suggests they are polar opposites on the same basic dimension 58) Which of the following is an example of deep acting? 31) Evidence confirms there is no real difference between men and women when it comes to emotional reactions. (True; Moderate; p. 265) 81. Ted is 26 years old. Found inside Page 125John Gray. of the emotions. Patients learn to invalidate their negative feel ings and talk themselves out of feeling upset. All the negative emotions link us back to important aspects of our true selves. When you suppress negative Julia works as a receptionist in a real estate company. This information indicates that Julia has ________. B) Compared to Mainland Chinese, Taiwanese are similar to Latin Americans in their experience of culture. 17) ________ is a pure marker of low negative affect. 79) Studies show that people who are depressed tend to make poorer decisions than those with a more positive outlook. Discuss the emotional labor experienced by Zach. She doesn't understand why employees get upset with her. Found inside Page 208Therefore , we can utilize our power of reason to discern philosophical Truth , we can employ our genius to discover It is very important to draw a clear distinction between the negative emotions we feel when we have done something Negative emotions can be defined as "as an unpleasant or unhappy emotion which is evoked in individuals to express a negative effect towards an event or person" (Pam, 2013). Which of the following is the term used for the strength with which individuals experience emotion? It is widely thought that the capacity of artworks to arouse emotions in audiences is a perfectly natural and unproblemmatic fact. 49) Emotions that are organizationally required and considered appropriate in a given job are termed displayed emotions. C: Infants show a wide variety of highly discernible facial expressions. Found inside Page 339It is difficult (for the Shravakas) to achieve such a status, because it is impossible for them to realize the truth that brings about the elimination of negative emotion. For, as they themselves admit, they do not possess an Emotions can be triggered by events. 41) Jo has a job interview. C. Emotional stress can be caused by negative events. 89) Which of the following can be said to be true of emotion regulation? Found insideFear, anger, and sadness are emotions that are not highly conducive to forming positive social bonds, and so, by expanding the variants of primary emotions, the number of negative emotions that can be experienced also grows. True 84) The corporate office has determined that the company vision needs to be amended. What should corporate leaders do to increase the likelihood that employees will accept this change? Worry is an emotional state in the list of negative emotions, which can cause several health problems. Which of the following statements is true regarding surface acting? 65) Which of the following statements is true regarding deep acting? Andy, Ben, Liza, Ted, and Jim are online customer service representatives. c. Managing emotions can help make better judgments. A. D: Negative emotions are easily interpreted. Quiz 7 :The Origins of Emotion, Temperament, and Personality. Found inside Page 102Negative emotions are part of us, and we have to overcome them. This is true of everyone, since everyone has negative emotions. Overcoming them is a challenge, and is not going to be easy, but overcoming them is one of the key purposes 73) Which of the following statements is true regarding emotional intelligence (EI)? Worry. Found insideless resilience and is accompanied by many more positive emotions than its ugly counterpart, the 'non-true goal'. A non-true goal lacks this correctly identifying a negative emotion can diminish the brain's fight-or-flight response. D. Emotions can be triggered by thoughts. Circle one . Transitory emotions are not innate and they give rise to permanent emotions and disappear after the permanent emotions show up. Important Solutions 1872. The Negative Cognition is a negative self - statement associated with the event Eight Phases P. 129 Shapiro A) Collectivist cultures place less emphasis on socially appropriate emotional behavior than individualistic cultures. ________ is an emotion that falls into the category of high positive affect. ) Research suggests which of the following relationships exists between the weather and mood? 100) Discuss the emotional labor experienced by a customer service executive. B. Tragedy exposes negative emotions and fears. Although sometimes we thrive on stress, for most of us, stress begins to take its toll on our mood. Francine heads an ad agency and works with copywriters, artists, and designers to come up with effective branding solutions for new products. 76) Julia is highly aware of her own and other's emotions. Ben is 46 years old. B. Which statement is NOT true about emotions? Please select the best answer from the choices provided. Who is least likely to be upset by the reprimand? ) Which of the following statements is true regarding the effects of moods and emotions on decision making? All people are equally susceptible to emotional contagion. In order to regulate his emotions, he can do all of the following except ________. Which of the following is a generic term that covers a broad range of feelings that people experience? After being yelled at by a customer about the state of her company's software, she becomes angry, and has to take a short break to calm down. A) A lack of emotion improves performance during negotiation. She doesn't understand why employees get upset with her. PLEASE HELP 1. C) Speakers can tailor their speeches to appeal to the security and safety needs of listeners. What effect do stressful events typically have on mood? Men are taught to be tough and brave. Which of the following is one of the six essentially universal emotions agreed on by a majority of researchers? 1 point. B. -In response to fear, the amygdala causes our heart and breathing rates to increase -The amygdala responds to several primary emotions -All of these statements are true. life. d. tragedy always ends well. Negative affect is a mood dimension consisting of nervousness, stress and anxiety at one end and relaxation, tranquility, and poise at the other. 30) Stress typically has a negative effect on mood. Found inside Page 30When a negative emotion comes up, instead of denying it, getting tense, and stuffing your face with food or alcohol, you can learn various ways to transform heavy emotions into positive and energetic motivations and feelings. you used Her awareness of her own and others' emotions is almost nil. Elvira should also consider that EI is hard to measure and is very vaguely defined so she should not entirely depend on EI measures for her selection. Emotions that can become negative are hate, anger, jealousy and sadness. The TRUE statement about positive psychology is that an appreciation of the beauty and meaning in daily life promotes happiness and contentment. Gerardo believes that every time he picks up a penny he is blessed with good fortune, due to the fact that the last time he picked up a penny he had a lottery win, and the time before that he got a big bonus at work. Which statement is NOT true about emotions? 26) Which of the following is the term used for the strength with which individuals experience emotion? Found inside Page 56True or false? 2. Which of the following is a centre in the forebrain involved in how we feel emotions? a) amygdala of the brain cortex establishes positive emotions and the right side establishes negative emotions. True or false? 74) Which of the following is a correct argument in favor of emotional intelligence (EI)? Which statement is NOT true about emotions ? B)Employees who manage their negative emotions are involved in more conflicts with customers compared to employees who do not. D. Only females learn to express emotions like tenderness and assertiveness. 37) Ben is prone to experiencing emotions in a much stronger manner than most other people. A. Zach's job would require a fair amount of rest and relaxation for him to continue to be successful. B) Feeling bad about your performance in a negotiation is likely to improve future performance. Darwin believed that ________ were good indicators of underlying emotional states in infants. 6. Found inside Page 552On the other hand, surface acting is the only choice in negative customer interactions given that service workers would normally not be able to turn true negative feelings into true positive ones so that deep acting is unrealistic. 39) Research suggests which of the following relationships exists between the weather and mood? What scores would represent one, two and three standard deviations above/below the mean? Emotional stress will disappear if you ignore it. Gerardo's perception is likely a product of a(n) ________. anger. Which of the following is not an example of emotional emotions? Found inside Page 15It is often assumed that unhealthy negative emotions are of greater intensity than healthy negative emotions . This may be true , but only at the very intense end of the continuum . For example , intense rage ( unhealthy anger ) is 27) Research has indicated that people in a ________ mood are better able to ________. Found inside Page xxThree Keys to Unlocking Your True Potential Elaine K. Harding. if negative feelings and thoughts are generally unexpressed even if just to ourselvesthey block the flow of energy in our mind and in our body. Another way to understand Jim is 35 years old. However, the vast majority of us follow the same pattern. 5) Julia works as a receptionist in a real estate company. 2) Which of the following statements is true regarding emotions? B. C. Emotional stress can be caused by negative events. Emotions can be neutral. 51) Research shows surface acting is more stressful to employees than deep acting. B)Negative emotions decline in response to situations between age 3 and 6 years. Only '1' & '2' are right. b. Positive affect is a mood dimension consisting of ________ at the low end. Which of the following statements about emotional self-regulation is true? Is there any truth to this? Why is this thought to be the case? Which of the following terms best describes feelings that tend to be less intense than emotions? )

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